1. Letterbox, 2008
Florist foam, magazine
Newspaper, vitrine, documentation and selection of material from the original work realized at CCS Bard
Inkjet prints
IKEA chairs, rug, lamp, and shelves; cup collection; Byrdcliffe furniture reproductions; hot plate; water bottle
Bubble wrap, colored gels, tape
Cardboard, paper, shelves
Acrylic on canvas
Newspaper, vitrine, documentation and selection of material from the original work realized at CCS Bard
Newspaper, vitrine, documentation and selection of material from the original work realized by at CCS Bard
Cardboard, gift wrap, tape
Plaster of Paris, bucket, spray paint
Acrylic on glass
Scarves, brackets
Cardboard, cellophane, tape
Aluminum cans
Acrylic on glass
Acrylic on glass
Desk, cork, newspaper, photographs, pins, gourds
Ink on paper
Cardboard, aluminum foil, glue
22. Woodstock Club Library in 3 Installments, n.d.
Chairs, jackets, nets, books, photocopies